Monday, January 21, 2013

Salsa, injured foot and library card

So what do salsa, injured foot and library card all have in common?  Simple.  My life.

Mike makes a great salsa using his own recipe.  People love it and aren't shy about asking for it (Andrew and Melanie, you know who you are).  So after making a small batch for holiday gifts, Mike wanted to make a LARGE BATCH.  Now I've often doubled a recipe, but I never "octupled"(hope that means 8 times) the recipe.  What can I say???  So, at the risk of becoming a foodie blogger, here is the recipe...

Wash a zillion jars

Buy tons of produce

Add red bell peppers

Lemons and limes
Cumin and chipotle
Result: a  proud chef

And we are now storing 26 quarts and 5 pints of salsa in the basement.  Kind of like those people who stock their bunkers with canned goods preparing for the end of days.  Hey, as long as we add tortilla chips and tequila, we are set!

And then there's a small foot injury which happened about a week ago when Mike and walked up the driveway of a new home being built in the neighborhood.  At the time it seemed like a small misstep on  a rock, but after a week of pain, I decided a trip to the doctor was in order.  Good news is that it's not broken, bad news is a ligament problem which will likely take longer to heal.  So prescription is lots of ibuprofen, ice it, elevate it and don't walk much.  Like I know how to sit still for a week to 10 days!  And then there's that shoe...  a sexy little number with the right socks!

And of course, that prompted me to find the local public library and get my library card so I have some good reading materials over the next week. Hopefully I won't be bored to tears.  

On a positive note, there's Mike waiting on me. Hmm...could get used to this.

Take care,

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