Monday, September 24, 2012

Time races on

Ok, I realize you may be wondering what happened to me since I moved to Indy and no updates to my blog.   Life is never dull, just different.

First of all, I know it's odd to enjoy 'absences', but here are a few we are smiling about...

  •  No more texts from the realtor about one more thing we need to do
  •  No more cleaning the house 'on demand' 
  •  No more spending money on a house being sold
  •  No more traveling 500 miles one way between Indy and Des Moines
  • No more hauling cats between states
  • No more packing or U-hauls
And now we are on to unpacking and organizing too much stuff.  If you've ever combined two households into one, you understand how you can have two of everything especially flour, sugar, oils and spices.  It was a great time to get rid of older, outdated food stuffs and get organized at the same time...

Alphabetized spices. Would you expect anything else?
We can now find things in the pantry

Integrating some of my furniture and art into the family room...

Adding my plants to the deck

We traveled to Evansville to visit my mom who is recovering from pneumonia.  She is slowly getting better though the doctors cautioned that it will be several weeks before she gets her energy back.

There was some flash flooding the last day of our visit after 5 inches of rain over a 12 hours period.  
Flooding in the backyard at my mom's house

We  attended a family reunion and had a great time catching up with cousins, aunts and uncles.  

Family reunion

Mike relaxing in New Harmony park 

So time continues to race on. I am amazed how busy we are even with only one house.  But the stress of selling a house continues to melt away as Mike and I focus on putting our own house together and finding time for family and friends.

A recent article in the Journal of Applied Psychology reports that American women's stress level has increased 18% in the past 26 years.  Stress is highest for women in their 20's and it lessens with each decade.  And retirees are some of the least stressed women.

So I can't say this is totally me, but compared to my previous job or remodeling/selling a house, things are definitely improving!

Have a great week!

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