But with the week of crazy weather came some laughs and surprises...
Mike had his first snow day as a teacher, and judging from his "YAHOO!" reaction, he was just as excited as those snow days we remember as kids.
We turned off the outside Christmas lights, put the decorations into storage, and the big plastic snowman and Santa are resting comfortably in the garage. The house is clean and spiffy, and I'm already dreaming about what decorating task to work on next. I've been reading decorating magazines, and Mike is getting nervous. I thought he was going to hyperventilate this morning when we were driving to breakfast and I mentioned changing the family room with new floors and furniture. Hey, when weather forces me inside, I naturally think about creating a warm, comfortable environment around me. That's just normal, right?
And way too much time this week was spent on health stuff for my liking. I continue physical therapy on my fractured elbow. I think it's greatly improving until I try to lift with that arm, and the pain reminds me of the orthopedic doctor warning me "do not lift until you have full mobility". All I really want is faster healing. But instead I'm learning that if patience was not one of your strengths before retirement, it will not magically appear in retirement just because you have more time on your hands...
I had a follow-up visit with my new doctor, an internist highly recommended by Mike and another friend. We talked about my elbow, my new calcium supplement and my "good" blood tests (except for the cholesterol). You know, I'm not really sure he has much of a sense of humor. I told him I was hoping to talk him out of cholesterol drugs. He didn't even acknowledge this comment, but he just kept on typing on his laptop. Later when we were discussing my long-running sinus infection/cold, and I made a comment "I'm a real mess, aren't I?" he didn't miss a beat. Just kept on typing. And then it occurred to me that he might be typing his own commentary about me...like "she's a real whiner" or "she think's she funny" or "what is her problem?" or "why is she talking so much?". What can I say, I get nervous at the doctor's office, and couldn't he at least smirk a bit at my comments...
This morning Mike mentioned being at the pharmacy yesterday when a woman asked him to help her read the small print on some document. He told her he could do better than that, and he whipped out his Swiss Army knife with the magnifying glass on it. Here's our conversation:
He said the woman was "very impressed!"
I said "was she an older woman?"
He responded "no she was rather young".
I'm not sure why but I said "she was probably hitting on you".
He said "A lot of women hit on me that can't see very well".
I am sure I laughed for a full five minutes on that one...
And on a day when the U.S. Olympic skating tryouts are on television, I was delighted to see nature's version of skating. We were driving by a frozen lake, and a Canadian goose came in for a landing. Wings extended, his feet hit the ice and he glided across the lake. Maybe not a triple axle, but beautiful really.
So, I'm trying to get healthy but still noticing the laughs and surprises all around me. Maybe I am getting better after all...
Take care and have a super week!
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